The NanWick Bar

MKV Archiver

NanWick is announcing a simple tool named MKV Archiver which allows you to store your files inside a MKV Video file. MKV Archiver also ensures an encryption for your files.

Download the software by clicking the following link :

Let's check how to Create and Extract a MKV Archive :

1. Introduction to the interface

  I.Welcome window
(i) Create A File
 It opens the main window to create a new Mkv Archive.

(ii) Extract From A File
It is used to extract a Mkv archive. 

II.Main window

(i) Insert Video File
You have to insert a video file here by clicking browse button. This video is to be showed when you open the Mkv archive in any media player.

(ii) Add Files
Here you have to add the files which to be stored inside the Mkv file. MKV Archicer ensures you that there is no chance to show these files when you open MKV archives in any media player.

(iii) Start - Button
Click here to start process. 

III.Extract window

(i) Browser File
Click here to insert a Mkv Archive .

(ii) Extract
Click here to extract the contents of the Mkv Archive

2. Creating an archive

Start MKV Archiver, On welcome window and click on create a file. It'll open main window. On main window click on browse and add a dummy video file (Fig 1).

Fig 1
Then click on Add files and select the files which you want to store inside the video file(Fig 2).

Fig 2
Click on Start to begin the process. It'll open a window to set a password to your files (Fig 3).

Fig 3
Then a window will appear to select the target location to save your Mkv Video archive(Fig 4).

Fig 4
After selecting target location the process will start. The time taken by the process to complete is depend on size of the files you are added.
 After the completion of process a video file will be created at the target location. It simply lookand opens like a normal video file(Fig 5)

Fig 5

3. Extracting from an archive

 To extract your files from a Mkv Archive file you need to click Extract From a file on main window. Click on Browse File and select an Mkv file. It'll ask the password(Fig 6)

Fig 6
Note : Mkv Video files created by MKV Archiver can only be extracted.

After giving password the files included in the Mkv File are shown in the window(Fig 7).

Fig 7
Click on extract button to extract files. It'll ask the target location to save files (Fig 8) and the files will be extracted.

Fig 8